
Set up an online store in minutes to sell on a website, 社交媒体, or marketplaces.

an illustration of two bottles with body care lotions

How to Sell Online: 企业主终极指南

28 min read

在一个以数字连接和在线影响为主导的时代, 销售艺术已经转移到在线领域. 根据统计数据, 全球电子商务销售额为 预计将超越 8.1 万亿 2026!

It’s only natural that both aspiring and experienced business owners are looking to start selling online. The digital landscape is brimming with opportunities, yet it comes with its fair share of hurdles.

Global ecommerce retail sales are expected to reach $6.3 万亿 2026

Creating a successful online presence and selling online involves a combination of user-friendly interfaces, compelling content, a strong website, an understanding of social media, and a commitment to remaining consistent and ahead of the competition.

In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into how to sell online, uncovering the tactics that distinguish prosperous businesses. From optimizing websites to engaging customers, we’ll provide the necessary tools to excel in the fast-paced and ever-changing digital market.


首先要事: 网上销售, 您需要一个电子商务网站.

您的网站是许多客户与您的品牌的第一次互动. 针对电子商务进行优化的网站会创造积极的第一印象, 体现专业性和诚信度.

精心设计的电子商务网站可提供直观的用户体验, 让客户轻松导航, 寻找产品, 并完成交易.

还, implementing search engine optimization strategies enhances your website’s visibility on search engines, increasing the likelihood of attracting new potential customers and helping you sell online.

Can You Sell Online without a Website?

If you’re wondering how to sell online, you might be considering different options.

There are ways to sell online without a website, such as through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram or online marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy. 然而, having your own ecommerce website gives you more control over your brand, 客户数据, and sales process.

A dedicated ecommerce website allows you to create a unique brand identity, customize the user experience, and fully control the customer journey. 加, you retain full profit margins without paying fees to marketplaces, and your brand’s discovery isn’t solely dependent on social media platforms.


An example of an ecommerce website

Trust is another factor to consider when figuring out how to sell online. According to the SurveyMonkey survey, 26% of American consumers have no trust “at all” for a brand without a website.

In an era where online shopping is second nature, consumers expect a brand to have a website. It allows them to delve deeper into the business’s offerings and better understand its products or services. Without a website, your brand may appear less legitimate and trustworthy to potential customers.

然而, when choosing how to sell online, it’s not about choosing between selling exclusively on your website or solely through social media/marketplaces. Today’s consumers expect you to be omnipresent – that’s precisely why embracing multichannel selling isn’t just advisable; it’s essential.

That’s why launching a website and being active on social media platforms for discovery are stellar strategies. And when you’re all set, venturing into marketplaces could significantly boost your sales.

但首先, you need a website.

How to Sell Online: Ecommerce Website Must-Haves

Now that you understand the importance of having a website to sell online let’s dive into the steps you’ll need to take to set it up.

Merely having a website won’t cut it. What you truly need is a website that’s finely tuned for online selling — transforming visits into sales effortlessly.

Here’s how to ensure your website is optimized for online selling:

Opt for User-Friendly Interfaces

When figuring out how to sell online, keep your customersshopping experience at the forefront of your mind.

An optimized website is user-friendly, 让客户轻松导航, 寻找产品, 并完成交易. Implement intuitive navigation menus, clear calls-to-action, and a streamlined checkout process to minimize friction for users. The easiest way to do that is to use an ecommerce platform.

An example of a website set up with an ecommerce platform

Ecommerce platforms offer pre-made templates and user-friendly interfaces, making setting up and managing your website easier. 而且, they’re expertly crafted to streamline the shopping process, 使客户能够找到所需的产品并安全地进行结帐.

Choosing the right ecommerce platform is especially important when you start selling online, 因为它可以决定您在线创业的成败. 您希望您的平台与您的业务一起发展,并为您提供必要的工具来优化您的网站以实现转化.


经济高效且稳健的选择, 考虑 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid. It’s a breeze to get your ecommerce site up and running, and you don’t need to know a thing about coding or design. 加, it’s packed with cool pre-designed templates perfect for different niches, making the whole setup process a piece of cake.

Add High-Quality Images, Videos and Descriptions

Your website’s content should be strategically crafted to engage customers, highlight key features of your products or services, and ultimately lead to conversions.

Visual content is crucial for capturing the attention of online shoppers, so showcase your products with high-quality images and videos. 实际上, product videos can increase conversions by up to 85%!

Showcasing a product video within the product gallery

如果您使用 Ecwid 在线销售, you can add a video to product pages and any other website page. Find out how to increase conversions with product videos.

而且, don’t underestimate the power of copy. Clearly communicate features, benefits, and unique selling points through detailed and persuasive product descriptions.

Provide Online Support and FAQs

网上购物时, consumers may have questions or concerns that require immediate assistance. 所以, you might be wondering how to sell online when you can’t assist them directly.

Provide online support options, such as live chat or chatbots, to help customers in real time. This will alleviate customersdoubts and increase their trust in your brand.

Consumers seek autonomy in resolving their issues (资源: 德勤卓越客户服务报告)

To reduce the need for customers to contact support, 包括全面的常见问题解答部分,可解决常见问题和疑虑. 例如, 如果您提供国际运输, 包括有关费用的信息, 投递时间, 和海关程序.


在Ecwid, 您可以添加实时聊天, 聊天机器人, and FAQ sections using apps from the Ecwid应用市场.


根据 Baymard 研究所, some of the biggest reasons customers abandon their online shopping carts are concerns about the store’s security and inconvenient checkout.

Make sure your checkout process is safe and reliable to instill confidence in your customers and ensure secure transactions.

Here’s how to ensure a secure and straightforward checkout process:

  • Implement secure payment gateways
  • Offer multiple payment options, such as paying with a card, mobile wallet, Buy Now Pay Later, 和更多
  • Clearly communicate the security measures in place
  • Minimize the checkout steps to reduce abandoned carts and improve the shopping experience.

Ecwid sellers don’t have to worry about their checkouts. Apart from providing bank-level security and dozens of integrated popular payment methods (including Buy Now and Pay Later), Ecwid also offers a seamless one-page checkout with the option to customize checkout fields.

Ecwid stores provide smooth checkout experience

Pay Attention to Search Engine Optimization

Having a website doesn’t automatically guarantee traffic and sales. You need to optimize your site for search engines to drive consumers to your site.

搜索引擎优化, 或搜索引擎优化, is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages.

By implementing SEO best practices, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract more potential customers. These practices include:

  • optimizing product pages and meta descriptions with relevant keywords
  • connecting a custom domain name to your site
  • ensuring an SSL certificate is enabled
  • adding alt tags to product images, ETC.

Ecwid takes care of some SEO tasks automatically to make SEO easier for online sellers. 然而, 你也可以 improve SEO for your Ecwid store yourself to further enhance your website’s search ranking.

Opt for Responsive Design

More and more consumers are using their smartphones and tablets to shop online, so it’s important that your website is responsive and looks great on any screen size.

An online store should be easy to navigate on mobile devices

与Ecwid, you don’t need to worry about creating separate websites for mobile and desktop users. All Ecwid websites are optimized for mobile, and your website functions seamlessly across smartphones, 药片, and desktops.

Perform Regular Updates and Maintenance

To keep your website running smoothly and avoid any technical issues, it’s important to perform regular updates. 与Ecwid, all updates are done automatically, so you don’t have to worry about manually updating your ecommerce website.

Site maintenance includes checking for broken links or images and keeping up with the latest security measures. Regular maintenance prevents technical issues and provides a seamless user experience.

Now that your ecommerce website is up and running, it’s time to start promoting it and driving traffic to increase sales.

How to Sell Online by Driving Visitors to Your Site

Mastering the art of selling online requires a strategic approach. You don’t just list your products and wait for sales to come. 您必须积极推广您的网站并与潜在客户互动,以增加流量并提高转化率.



了解目标受众及其行为对于制定成功的在线销售策略至关重要. 了解您的潜在客户’ 偏好和购物习惯将帮助您定制营销工作和产品供应.

确定您的目标受众, 问自己这些问题:

  • Who is most likely to be interested in my products?
  • What demographics do they belong to (年龄, 性别, income level, 等等)?
  • Where do they spend their time online (社交媒体平台, 博客, 等等)?
  • What are their pain points, and what needs are my products addressing?

This will help you develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers. Based on your target audience’s characteristics and behaviors, you can create targeted marketing campaigns and product offerings that resonate with them.

Using analytics tools helps gather data on your website visitors, such as their demographics, 地点, 浏览行为, and purchase history. Ecwid sellers can easily do that using built-in reports.

Use Ecwid’s reports to understand shoppers’ behavior better

Build an Email List and Get the Most Out of Email Marketing

When figuring out how to sell online, business owners often overlook one great tool – email.

Email marketing is cost-effective compared to other marketing channels and allows you to reach large audiences. That’s why building an email list should be part of your online selling strategy.

To build your email list, 提供折扣或独家内容等激励措施,以鼓励访问者订阅您的时事通讯. 通过内容丰富且引人入胜的新闻通讯与您的订阅者进行一致的沟通,宣传新产品和特别优惠.

通过对电子邮件列表进行分段,您可以根据特定订阅者群体的偏好向他们发送有针对性的相关内容, 行为, 和人口统计.

如果您使用 Ecwid 在线销售, you can send 自动电子邮件 使用与电子邮件平台的集成来针对特定的客户群体和个性化新闻通讯 邮件黑猩猩, 奥姆发送, 和更多.

您可以发送一封自动电子邮件的示例,以将不活跃的客户带回您的 Ecwid 商店


通过个性化营销, 您可以针对特定客户定制您的产品和营销策略’ 需求和兴趣, 提高他们的整体客户满意度并增加您的销售机会.


  • 根据以前的购买或浏览历史记录提供个性化的产品推荐
  • 发送定制电子邮件,其中包含产品建议和废弃购物车的折扣
  • 根据不同客户群的兴趣和行为创建有针对性的广告.

Personalization shows customers that you understand their needs and are offering solutions specifically tailored to them. This can help build strong customer relationships and increase their loyalty to your brand.

If you’re not sure how to sell online by implementing personalization, Ecwid has you covered. 这 顾客 dashboard makes it easy to segment your customers for targeted marketing. It allows you to filter customers by location, 客户群, 购买历史, 和更多.

Filtering customers who made three and more purchases

Leverage Social Media

Almost every business owner’s first move when deciding how to sell online is to use social media. There’s definitely a good reason for that! Social media platforms can be powerful tools for showcasing your products and brand to a wider audience and driving sales in an interactive way.

There are two ways to drive traffic to your website using social media: organic and paid. Organic means using social media for free, such as posting content on your business page, 分享与您的产品和利基相关的更新, 并与追随者互动.


付费方式包括在 Facebook 等社交媒体平台上投放广告, Instagram的, 或 TikTok 来覆盖目标受众.

您还可以使用社交媒体数据来了解您的客户’ 内容兴趣, 哪些帖子产生最多的评论或分享, 以及什么类型的内容会带来销售或网站访问.


除了有机的社交媒体广告, 您可以使用其他付费广告, 例如谷歌广告, 增加流量并增加销量.

通过谷歌广告, 您可以定位与您的产品相关的关键字, 利基, 以及具体地点.

Instagram 等社交媒体上的广告, Facebook, 或者 TikTok 可以非常有效地吸引以前可能没有听说过您品牌的潜在客户. 这些平台还提供高级定位选项来覆盖特定人群和兴趣.

Paid ads usually come with analytics to track your ad’s performance and optimize future campaigns for better results.

If you’re wondering how to sell online by advertising your products, Ecwid has tons of options to leverage paid advertising 为您的在线商店:

  • Set up Google ads right in your Ecwid admin or launch them using apps from the Ecwid App Market.
  • Connect your Ecwid store to Facebook, implement the Facebook pixel to optimize your ad campaigns, and monitor the results.
  • Connect your Ecwid store to TikTok for simplified ad setup and have TikTok Pixel installed to help you optimize your ad campaigns.
  • Leverage Pinterest Tag and Snap Pixel to optimize your Pinterest and Snapchat ads.

As you might know, a tag or pixel is a little piece of code that helps you keep an eye on what visitors do in your store after seeing your ads. You get to see which pages they’re checking out, what they’re searching for, how many toss something into their cart, who goes through with a purchase, 和更多.

This info is super helpful for figuring out your conversion rates and tweaking your ad campaigns to score better results.

Aim for Multi-Channel Selling

When choosing how to sell online, it’s vital to consider shoppersbehavior — and modern consumers shop literally everywhere.

正如刚才提到的, multi-channel selling means using multiple channels to sell your products, like social media, 市场, 和你的网站.

Multi-channel selling benefits include reaching a broader audience and increasing brand visibility. 它还允许客户从他们喜欢的渠道购买, 让他们更方便.

与Ecwid, 您可以轻松地将您的在线商店与各种平台集成, 从社交媒体平台到流行和利基市场. 查看下面的播客以了解更多信息.


与有影响力的人合作也可以成为促进在线销售的有力策略. 有影响力的人通常拥有专注且忠诚的受众,愿意考虑他们推广的任何产品或服务. 他们的观众重视他们的意见, 内容, 以及他们销售或推广的产品.

时刻考虑 与有影响力的人合作 他们的价值观和受众与您的品牌一致. 有影响力的人通常有一个利基或特定的行业焦点, 更轻松地直接向合适的受众推销您的产品.

通过与您所在行业的影响者合作, you can reach a highly targeted audience that is more likely to purchase your products.

To avoid wasting money when partnering with influencers, check out our podcast on influencer seeding. It’s a practice where brands send free products for influencers to review and promote in exchange for their honest opinion.

Set up a Blog

Starting a blog and regularly publishing high-quality content on it can improve your website’s SEO, leading to higher visibility. A blog can also help you showcase your knowledge and expertise in the industry.

Offering valuable information can position your brand as an authority in the industry, helping you build trust and making you your customer’s first purchase choice. You can also add your blog posts to your newsletter, helping you make the most of both strategies.

Wondering how to sell online using a blog? Add Buy Buttons to your blog posts to let readers purchase your products directly from the blog. 与Ecwid, it’s a piece of cake.

学到更多: 购买按钮: 7 超越店面的销售方式



鼓励满意的客户在社交媒体或 TrustPilot 等评论平台上留下评论或分享他们的体验, G2, 或谷歌评论.

您还可以在您的网站或产品页面上突出显示这些评论,以突出过去的客户’ 积极的经历.


在Ecwid, 您可以使用具有不同布局的客户评论块在您的网站上显示评论. 您还可以通过自动电子邮件或应用程序收集评论 Ecwid应用市场.


一旦您实施了增加流量和增加销量的策略, 重点关注留住这些客户以供将来购买,这一点很重要.



优秀的客户服务可以成就企业,也可以毁掉企业, 尤其是在网上销售时, 顾客无法亲眼看到或触摸产品的地方.

及时、礼貌地回应客户的任何询问或投诉. 正如之前所提, 在您的网站上添加实时聊天还可以大大提高客户服务和满意度.

此外, 考虑提供免费送货或未来购买折扣代码等福利,以感谢忠诚的客户并让他们成为回头客.


忠诚度计划是奖励客户回头客的好方法. 这些计划提供折扣等激励措施, 免费产品, 或为经常购买的客户提供专属优惠.


与Ecwid, 您可以借助我们的应用程序创建您的忠诚度计划 应用市场.

学到更多: 10 有效的忠诚度计划可推动重复购买

Use Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads should be a tool in every business owner’s arsenal, pondering how to sell online.

Retargeting ads are online ads that target customers who have already interacted with your brand, such as visiting your website or adding items to their cart.

By showing site visitors personalized ads, you can remind them of the products they are interested in and encourage them to purchase. 这有效地带回了可能放弃购物车或网站而没有购买的潜在客户.

在Ecwid, 您可以轻松设置 Facebook 和 Google 上的重定向广告.



不确定如何利用客户进行在线销售’ 购买历史? 这是一个例子: 如果客户从您的商店购买了特定品牌的咖啡, 您可以在将来为他们提供相同品牌或类似产品的折扣.

对与客户之前购买过的产品类似的产品提供折扣或促销, 您可以增加重复购买的可能性并增强客户忠诚度.

当有人从您的 Ecwid 商店购买商品时, Ecwid 立即为他们设置个性化的客户帐户. 之后, 您可以将这些帐户分类为不同的组,并根据其购买历史记录来定位它们.



如果您销售的产品是客户需要定期购买的, offering a subscription service can be a great way to retain them. With a subscription service, customers can sign up for automatic deliveries of their favorite products, making it convenient and hassle-free for them to continue purchasing from your store.

An example of a “Subscribe & Save” promotion from the McNabb Microfarm store

If you’re wondering how to sell online with recurring payments, 位于埃克维德, 您可以轻松设置 订阅, as well as offer theSubscribe and Savemodel, 通过向客户提供购买折扣来激励他们订阅.


企业主常常想知道当销售缓慢时如何进行在线销售. 经常提供折扣以促进销售可能很诱人, 但这实际上对您的业务弊大于利. 对于何时以及如何提供折扣始终保持策略性.

例如, 在假期或重大活动期间提供特别折扣或促销可以吸引潜在客户的注意力. 您还可以使用折扣来奖励忠实客户或激励他们推荐他们的朋友和家人到您的商店.

另一个策略是进行闪购, 这是限时折扣,可以营造紧迫感并鼓励顾客立即购买.

记住, 应该利用折扣来促进短期销量, 但不以产品贬值或损害利润率为代价. 谨慎且有策略地使用它们,以实现最大影响.

总结一下: 找到最佳的在线销售方式

As we conclude this exploration of how to sell online, it’s evident that success in the digital marketplace requires a multifaceted approach. Your virtual storefront, represented by an optimized website, is the gateway to your brand’s world.

从那里, the quality of your products and customer service become key to converting visitors into loyal customers. But to truly flourish online, it’s important to continually refine your strategies and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of ecommerce.

By implementing the online selling strategies listed in this article, your brand can not only thrive but also leave an indelible mark on the digital canvas, making a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of online shoppers worldwide.

If you’re looking to start selling online and need some ideas, here are some previous posts featuring popular and potential product ideas:


Table of contents


With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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