
Accurate and up-to-date financial metrics are critical for determining the success and health of any business. These numbers aren’t just figures; they’re the GPS guiding business owners through the twists and turns of profits and losses.

Key financial metrics help business owners to make business decisions that directly impact the bottom line. 幸运的是, you don’t have to be a financial guru to understand the key performance indicators that help your business operate.


What Are Financial Performance Metrics?

密切监控任何电子商务业务中的业务指标都是至关重要的任务. 如果不知道弱点在哪里,就无法推动业务向前发展. 财务绩效指标为您的业务可以改进的地方提供了宝贵的见解.

所以, 什么是财务绩效指标? 来!我们讨论一下.

财务指标或 KPI (key performance indicators) are used to determine an ecommerce company’s performance and overall health. These metrics consider revenue, expenses, 销售量, profits, and other key financial metrics that are typically reviewed on a weekly, 每月, or quarterly basis.

These metrics can help business owners understand necessary costs like acquiring new customers, profitability during any given time, 以及更多. With these critical metrics in mind, business owners can make data-driven decisions that drive long-term growth and expansion.

想知道除了财务指标之外,业务中的 KPI 是什么? 阅读这篇文章,了解在线商店的基本业务 KPI:


电子商务企业拥有大量应每周监控的关键指标, 每月, 和年度基础. 让我们在这里讨论评估公司的最佳财务指标.



It’s measured in a percentage and can help entrepreneurs and business owners measure how rapidly their business is growing. It’s also handy to refer back to when a company has introduced a new product or initiative to understand its influence on this change, whether positive or negative.

Calculating revenue growth rate:
Revenue growth rate = (Revenue month B – Revenue month A) / Revenue month A X 100

Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money a business spends to acquire (or win) a new customer. It helps businesses understand the efficiency of their sales and marketing process and how profitable customers make the business.

Calculating customer acquisition cost:
CAC = Marketing campaign costs/customers acquired


The average order value (AOV) calculates the average amount a customer spends on each order. It helps to understand customers’ shopping behaviors and how much they’re willing to spend on your products.




每个访客的收入是衡量在线销售表现的有用指标. 它准确评估您网站的每位访问者的平均收入金额. 值得注意的是,每位访客的收入计算的是网站的独立访客数, 不是总访问量.

每位访客收入=总收入/访客人数 (在特定时期内)


毛利率是通过减去销售商品成本来计算的 (销货成本) 从您的总净销售额中. 它有助于衡量生产效率,并可以在设定产品价格时提供洞察力. 毛利率还有助于评估市场的成本控制和整体定价策略.

毛利率= (净销售额 – 销货成本) / 净销售额

Net Profit Margin

The net profit margin indicates a company’s profitability by showing how much profit it makes as a percentage of its revenue. It’s a valuable metric for businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of generating profit from sales and monitoring if operating and overhead costs are under control.

Calculating net profit margin:
Net profit margin = (Net income/Revenue) X 100

Working Capital

Working capital is the difference between a company’s working assets (现金, customer invoices, current inventory) 及其负债 (应付账款, 债务).





库存周转率描述了从公司购买产品到客户购买产品的时间段. 简单的说, it is the number of days it takes to sell the inventory on hand.

This metric helps businesses understand how their products sell and make better strategic decisions about manufacturing, 价钱, and purchasing.

Calculating inventory turnover rate:
Inventory turnover rate = Days in period / (销货成本 / Average inventory value)

How to Track Financial Performance Metrics

Calculating and understanding important financial performance metrics isn’t as challenging as it sounds, and there are tools and software that can help. 流行的工具包括 SimpleKPI 和 GeckoBoard. 此类工具提供监控和管理功能,以支持企业主做出明智的财务决策.

What is best is that some ecommerce platforms come with built-in metrics analytics. 拿 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 例如. 它有一个内置的报告工具,可以提供有关公司不同指标的见解. Reports include data on Visitors, Conversions, 命令, 营销, and Revenue of an online store.

Ecwid 的收入报告提供了我们上面讨论的一些关键财务指标的见解:

Checking average revenue per visitor in Ecwid’s reports

然而, 那不是全部. Ecwid 的收入报告还为您提供以下数据:

Tracking financial metrics will help your ecommerce business sustain healthy growth over time. You’ll be able to monitor and project your revenue over time and improve your customer journey for better profits.

Here’s what Ecwid seller Benjamin Dorner of BraveBrew says about Ecwid’s reports:

The new Reports feature helps us track the most important KPIs without barriers: when purchases are made, how often purchases are made, and from which devices purchases are made. 总而言之, it’s great and more fun than third-party apps. Benjamin Dorner of BraveBrew

Start Monitoring Financial Metrics for Your Store

Overwhelmed by all the financial metrics examples you should be monitoring as an online business owner? Don’t stress! 您不必是数学天才就能解释这些数字——只需积极的态度和报告工具的一点支持.

Ecwid provides a fully functional ecommerce platform with built-in reports on the most crucial online store metrics. 立即开始,在您管理在线商店的地方(在您的 Ecwid 管理员中)跟踪您的业务绩效.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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