How to Choose the Best Tools to Help You Launch Your Startup

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is about what tools or apps someone should use to launch their startup. In addition to Ecwid, ecommerce entrepreneurs need a variety of tools to make launching their business as hassle-free as possible. But it can be overwhelming to sift through all of the other options out there. So our recommendation when you’re evaluating tools for startups is: first think about the top functions you will need, and work from there.

Our list of the best tools for startups includes these main categories:

Project Management

There are a lot of project management tools out there, but the ones that qualify as the best startup tools have a few things in common. 第一的, the management tool you choose should come with a free trial and/or be low-cost. 为什么? Because the way you manage your business will be unique to your style. Some like drag and drop planning, others like Gantt charts. Some like task lists and others work best from spreadsheets.

为此原因, we think the best option for most startups is the collection of business management tools from 谷歌. There are too many options from Google to cover in a single article, and you may not know that they even have a Google Startups portal, but there’s no denying that the king of most things online has thought of everything for a growing business.

For our purposes of identifying the best tools to help you launch a startup, let’s discuss Google Drive, 谷歌表格, Google Data Studio, and Google Keep.

Google Drive has become many people home to safely store all of their documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in the cloud. This means you don’t have to worry about losing anything if a computer crashes, as everything is backed up as you work in real-time. Google Drive lets you share documents with collaborators easily, track changes, and even sync across your devices so no matter where you are, you can easily record your thoughts without losing a beat.

Google Sheets is a lifesaver for people who want to create easy-to-use spreadsheets, and there are even time-saving templates to choose from for a lot of common tasks like timesheets and project management tracking.

Google Sheets is also a place to record data like offline sales that can then easily sync with your web analytics using Google Data Studio. This tool gives you easy-to-understand visualizations that are updated in real-time for presentations, and dashboards to keep track of any metric of your business you can imagine.

Google Keep is one of those tools that a lot of people don’t know about. It’s an easy drag-and-drop task management tool that allows you to create lists and assign other users tasks to complete. You can create multiple lists with different accesses, and even link to documents or spreadsheets you’ve created in other Google tools. And because Google is, well, 谷歌, their tools integrate with almost any other tool out there or can be easily transitioned to a new tool as your needs grow.

Sales Tools

Our choice for the best sales tools is likewise a well-known name that has gone above and beyond to support startups: Hubspot. Hubspot has made a business out of premium sales tools for content marketing, 搜索引擎优化, email and landing pages. Out of their success grew a mission to provide all of their tools “free forever” to help businesses start and grow, and they’ve lived up to that promise with sales and marketing tools as good as the best on the market for larger enterprises.

免费, you will get a customer relationship 管理 (客户关系管理) tool to keep track of your client communications. You can even create custom sales pipeline stages to track up to 1,000,000 contacts with no time limit or expiration.

What can you do with these contacts? Automatically look up their companies and populate their records with what Hubspot knows about them. Track their emails to get notified when they open important communications. Create groups and do email marketing through personalized bulk email or newsletters. Schedule meetings with a custom calendar link that connects to Google Calendar, provide customer support, host documents you often send, create landing pages, and even track your contacts as they interact with almost anything you do.

Hubspot truly lives up to its reputation as one of the best tools for startups, and if we haven’t mentioned it enough, gives you tons of capabilities for free!

Marketing Management

A lot of what might be considered marketing management tasks were covered in our Hootsuite summary. But startups are unique in their needs to get out ahead of the market in social media as they launch. So even though Hubspot could be considered a marketing tool in addition to its many sales uses, there is one tool you’ve likely heard of that we think no startup should live without: Hootsuite.

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that integrates all of your social media accounts and provides you a single dashboard to post, measure and schedule from.

Many other tools do an okay job at providing centralized social media management, but none do so quite so well or have done so for as long, as Hootsuite. The interface is user-friendly, and in the words of many business users, makes them “feel more connected” to their audiences because of the tool’s ability to quickly respond to comments and mentions from a centralized inbox that can be shared with members of your team.

But team collaboration goes beyond that – you can assign tasks and even chat with your team members about the best social strategies right inside the tool. And like many of the best tools out there, Hootsuite provides a free trial for thirty days without obligation, and no tricky way to get more money from you, or hard upsells.

The Best Startup Tools

We will mention again that the best tools to help you launch your startup are going to be the ones that are easiest for you to use. The best tools are those that match your style and the amount of communication you need to do with your partners, 顾客, 和团队. 为此原因, always look for those tools that offer a free plan or free trial and check them out until you find what’s right for you.

Do you want to learn more about startups?

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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