If you’re interested in selling DIY online, it’s helpful to be aware of
The DIY gnome. Everyone’s favorite cutesy, bearded garden
DIY Designs
Move over Kim Kardashian because garden gnomes are iconic, and the staples of their look: the pointy hat, full beard, and portly body are about to break the internet all over again. Everyone recognizes a garden gnome when they see one, which makes the DIY gnome perfect for those who are new to selling online. As long as you include the key elements, you can style your DIY gnome in countless ways with countless materials.
The DIY gnome ideas below are
Sock gnome
Think of this DIY gnome as
You’ll need: men’s ankle socks, rice, faux fur or yarn, wooden beads, felt, scissors, and hot glue.
You’ll start by making the body of your gnome using one sock and
If you’d prefer to use yarn, which is a cheaper alternative, cut pieces at varying lengths and glue them to the front of the sock until the beard looks full. Next, take your wooden bead (3/4” is a good size to use) and glue it so that it’s half on the beard and half on the sock. Finally, to make the hat, cut a piece of your felt. The size is up to you, but the hat is often similar in height to the body. When cutting, try and cut a piece of felt into a shape like that of a baseball diamond. Once you have your felt, loosely roll your piece into a cone, and use glue to secure it. The hat should cover the end of the sock that you’ve glued together, so, for your final step, glue the cone to your gnome’s body so that no sock is visible between the hat and beard.
One great way to customize this DIY gnome design is by choosing felt that corresponds in color or pattern to the seasons or a holiday. Keep your customers coming back with Christmas gnomes, cupid gnomes, and more!
Clay pot gnome
This next fantastic DIY gnome design is perfect for those customers who want a true garden gnome. While some of the supplies to make it can have a higher initial cost than our other DIY ideas, you will be able to stretch them to make a large number of these gnomes. Since you’ll be painting this gnome, you can customize it with a variety of color choices and make your design as intricate and detailed as you’d like.
You’ll need: clay pots in three sizes (two, four, and six inches), craft paint, paintbrush, black paint pen, wooden beads, hot glue, and polyurethane (for sealing).
You’ll begin by painting your pots. Keep in mind that the pots will be flipped when the gnome is complete, with the open ends pointed down. The two smaller pots will make up the gnome’s hat, so they should be painted the same color. For the traditional gnome look, make the small pots red. Once you’re done, set the small pots aside to dry and work on painting the large one. You’ll want to start by outlining the gnome’s beard. You can paint a thin white line to mark the outline of the beard or sketch it with a pencil. Remember that the point of your beard should be at the larger, open end of your pot.
Once you’ve done that, paint the pot outside of the line blue (or any color you prefer) and fill in the beard with white paint. Once your pots have dried, you can use your paint pen to fill in details. Color in half circles on the largest pot for feet, draw on a belt or add a brim to your gnome’s hat. This is your opportunity to let your creativity shine, so use any other materials or decorations you’d like to add personality to your gnome. Give your details time to dry, and then coat your pots with a thin layer of polyurethane to protect your paint from wear.
Once that sets, you’ll assemble your gnome with hot glue. Place the largest pot on a flat surface with the closed end pointing up. Apply a layer of glue to the
Once you settle on a design, you’ll be able to easily create these charming DIY gnomes that customers are sure to love. To help your online store stand out, try developing a gnomenclature and autograph your creations with individual gnome names. Check out this article for some suggestions or feel free to use my personal favorite, Gnomi Malone.
Sell Your DIY Designs Online
Once you’ve built your beautiful DIY gnomes, you need an online garden to put them in! Choosing an ecommerce platform can be difficult because you want to choose a site that will help you maximize your selling potential. Take some time to research the fees associated with starting a store, listing inventory, and making a sale on the platform. It’s also helpful to consider a platform’s connectivity to other sites and ability to advertise your products across the web.
Here at Ecwid, we give your gnomes the power to roam! Build your store from scratch to instantly sync and sell across social media, marketplaces, and more.
Discover DIY craft ideas and learn how you can sell them online.
- How to Start a Handmade Brand and Sell Crafts
- DIY: Things You Can Make and Sell Online on Your Own
- 8 Hottest Craft Ideas to Make Money From the Internet
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- DIY Craft Ideas to Make and Sell