With cannabis legalization becoming official in more and more states, people have many questions about the plant’s various uses. Particularly, the properties and uses of CBD are the source of much confusion and conversation. CBD has a wide range of uses, many of which are lesser known to the general public. So what is CBD, really? And what are some of its most notable applications? This guide will explain everything you should know about CBD.
What is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol, a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. While CBD is a naturally occurring compound, it can also be synthesized in a lab. CBD can also be extracted from both hemp and
In other words, CBD is not the same as marijuana or cannabis. It is a single ingredient that can be extracted from the cannabis plant.
What Does CBD Do?
CBD has a range of uses. However, one thing it does not do is cause a “high”. CBD has never been found to cause any psychoactive symptoms. The primary compound responsible for the
Many studies are still being conducted about the potential effects of CBD. The FDA has recently approved a
- anxiety
- pain relief
- insomnia
- addiction
It should be noted, however, that the FDA has not approved any CBD products for any of these uses. This does not mean that these effects have been disproven. Rather, it simply means that further research is needed in order to prove or disprove any such effects.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
How long CBD statins in your system depends on how much is ingested and how it is taken. CBD can remain in an individual’s system for anywhere from a few hours to one month. Oral consumption of CBD tends to increase the length of time it stays in the system. This means that foods and oils that are consumed orally will result in a longer time before the CBD leaves your system. Chronic consumption will also increase the amount of time CBD stays in your system.
Likewise, the amount of food a person consumes at the same time as consuming CBD will impact its
Inhaling CBD tends to produce the quickest effects, and also the shortest time spent in your system.
With all of that said, most CBD products will not show up on a drug test. This means you do not need to worry about CBD being in your system on drug tests. The exception to this is if your CBD product also contains THC, which will appear on a drug test.
Is CBD a Drug?
Whether or not CBD is a “drug” depends on your definition of the term. CBD is an approved substance for the treatment of seizure disorders. So yes, CBD is a medical drug approved by the FDA for specific uses.
CBD alone is not a recreational drug, as it has no documented psychoactive properties. However, CBD is an active compound in the cannabis plant, which contains THC and is a recreational drug. This means that CBD can be found in some products which are considered to be drugs. In these cases, CBD products can trigger a positive drug test.
Is CBD Addictive?
While CBD continues to be studied in depth, it is not believed to have any addictive properties. On the contrary, there is speculation that CBD can be used to help curb addictions to other substances, like nicotine.
Is CBD Bad For You?
As with most compounds,
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Dry mouth
- Low blood pressure
- Lightheadedness
- Liver damage
- Irritability or mood swings
- Diarrhea and dietary changes
In addition, CBD can affect how the body reacts to other medications in your system when taken concurrently. For instance, CBD may increase the rate at which blood thinning medications work when the two are consumed together.
Additionally, pregnant women are advised not to use CBD products. There are currently no known pregnancy complications associated with CBD use in humans. However, animal tests have revealed some potentially harmful effects on fetal development. The CDC advises pregnant women to avoid CBD products until further testing can be completed.
Is CBD Legal?
The legality of CBD in the U.S. varies from state to state. In most states, CBD is fully legal as of September 2023. CBD is not fully banned in any state today. However, several states have some restrictions on the use or sale of CBD products. Here is a breakdown of the U.S. states in which CBD is only conditionally legal.
Smokeables, foods, and CBD supplements are not allowed.
Smokeables, foods, and CBD supplements are not allowed.
Smokeables, foods, and CBD supplements are not allowed.
Foods and CBD supplements are not allowed.
South Dakota
CBD oil and products derived from cannabis are illegal. Only
Foods and CBD supplements are not allowed.
Washington D.C.
Cannabis and CBD are legal to possess in use for adults in private spaces in Washington D.C. However, the District has not yet provided a full ruling on the sale and possession limits of marijuana and
Is CBD legal at the federal level?
Does CBD Cause Headaches?
One of the most commonly reported side effects of CBD products is headaches. However, studies have repeatedly found that CBD products should not cause headaches as a side effect on their own. In spite of this, it may still be possible to experience headaches as a result of CBD use. There could be a number of factors related to this, both directly and indirectly related to CBD use. These include:
- Other symptoms, like drowsiness or lightheadedness, cause physical sensations which are mistaken for headaches.
- Incorrect CBD dosage
- Poor CBD manufacturing processes
- Other bodily reactions not directly related to CBD use
While it is not currently believed that responsibly used and manufactured CBD causes headaches, testing is still ongoing.
Does CBD Make You Hungry?
However, there is some belief that the use of some CBD products may help to reduce appetite. Additionally, advocates have speculated that CBD products may aid the body in how it processes fat.
A third potential side effect that may cause CBD to aid in weight loss is the reduction of stress, anxiety, or sleep loss. All three of these conditions can be associated with weight gain and increased blood pressure. If CBD is effective at relieving these conditions, it may also function indirectly as a weight loss aid.
Does CBD Make Your Eyes Red?
No, CBD does not make your eyes red. The eye redness which is often associated with cannabis products is caused by THC. CBD products isolated from THC should not cause the eyes to turn red under any circumstances.
How to Clear Your System of CBD?
As mentioned above, there is no exact timetable on how long it takes CBD to leave your system. However, it is possible to speed up this process if you want to clear your system of CBD more quickly.
The simplest way to clear your system of CBD is to drink plenty of water in order to flush it out. Similarly, not consuming CBD on an empty stomach can help clear your system more quickly.
Another method for clearing your system of CBD, which requires more effort, is to exercise. Sweating and increasing circulation both help your body process and excrete CBD more quickly than if you were to remain sedentary. So going to the gym, hiking, biking, or any other physical activity can speed up the process of removing CBD from your body.
What Are the Legal Requirements to Sell CBD?
While CBD possession and sales are legal in most states, its commercial use is still heavily regulated. States in which CBD sales are legal require vendors to obtain a retail license. The regulations governing CBD sales vary by state, so it is best to look up regulations in your particular state to learn more. Most retailers must obtain a CBD resale license to sell CBD products sourced from a manufacturer.
Additionally, most states require a business license to operate any form of business. While not directly related to or exclusive to CBD sales, this is often a very important step that should not be overlooked.
What Are the Most Popular CBD Products?
One of the reasons CBD has become such a major commodity is its variety of potential uses. While studies remain ongoing to determine the full range of health benefits of CBD, retailers may sell CBD products in a variety of forms. Here’s a look at some of the most popular types of CBD products on the market today.
CBD gummies and supplements
CBD gummies and supplements are commonly used as sleep aids or to relieve stress. While gummies are most common, CBD can be mixed into a variety of consumable substances. These include chocolates, baked goods, and beverages. The variety of flavors available makes this a highly marketable and successful product type for many retailers.
CBD oils
CBD oil tinctures are among the most commonly used CBD products because they offer the fastest and most direct results. Oils can be absorbed quickly, meaning there is little wait time in order to feel the effects.
Lotions, ointments, and other topicals
CBD can be used in a variety of skincare and cosmetic products, ranging from lotions and ointments to shampoos. Some preliminary studies have shown that CBD for skin care can help moisturize skin and reduce inflammation. Most CBD topical products do not enter the bloodstream, meaning they do not provide some of the other potential benefits of CBD.
Can You Sell CBD Online?
If you’re wondering if you can start an online store to sell CBD, the answer is yes, you can. Provided you have all proper licenses and are not selling in states where CBD sales are restricted, selling CBD online is legal. If you are looking to get started with your online store, Ecwid can help.
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